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In 2007 we began thinking about reactivating Radio Sylvia legally. However, this did not result in any specific activities. At last preparations started in September 2008, and after a test period regular internet broadcasts were launched on 8th January 2009. The station was broadcasting daily from 8 p.m. to midnight. Initially the transmissions consisted of nonstop music only but at the end of February 2009 we introduced presented shows: On every Saturday from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. the programme "Blackout" with Mark Andersen was aired, followed by the show "Alles was Recht ist" from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. presented by Brewford T. Justice. However, on popular demand, on 4th July 2009 these two shows were replaced by the co-presented programme "Veitstanz", which ran every Saturday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

After installation of new broadcasting computers, we extended our transmission times on 1st December 2009 and were on the air for 12 hours daily from noon to midnight. Since 1st September 2010 we are broadcasting 24/7.

Meanwhile it became more and more apparent that the functional range of the broadcast and production software used since January 2009 did not meet future requirements. So in August 2011 we evaluated various other software solutions. Finally we were able to put a new professional software into operation in September. After some adjustments, this system is now running around the clock since 25th September 2011.

On 25th May 2014 "The Overflow" with Garry Lee came on the air on Radio Sylvia for the first time. Since then the show can be heard on every Sunday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. with brand new Alternative and Underground releases.

To intensify the communication with our listeners, the Radio Sylvia Hotline was launched on 18th December 2014. Suggestions, criticisms and music requests were always welcome.

Some time later we implemented a powerful professional multiband soundprocessing system, which from then on took care of the good sound on Radio Sylvia.

After a long preparation period the Radio Sylvia Shop started on 1st May 2015 offering fan articles and records.

On 5th December 2015 at 8 p.m. we were able to put our new live studio (the so-called "Studio North") into operation: For the first time the "Veitstanz" was broadcast live - we were on the air for more than six hours...

At the beginning of the following year, on 8th January 2016, our new colleagues Artschie and Tom presented the first edition of their show "Harte Zeiten", which from then on ran every Friday from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.

After more than 26 years things came full circle: We celebrated our return to shortwave. On 2nd April 2016 from 8 p.m. to midnight Radio Sylvia transmitted on 6070 kHz in the 49m band. The feedback was overwhelming. Reception reports came in from all over Europe. Amazingly many listeners still knew us from our early years.

As of June 2016 there were some changes in our programme schedule: The "Veitstanz" was extended to four hours and the first two hours could be heard on shortwave 6070 kHz in parallel.

We extensively celebrated Radio Sylvia's 39th anniversary with our big live show "39 Special", which started on 2nd July 2016 at 6 p.m. and ended after 7.5 hours on 3rd July at 1.30 a.m. Presenters were Brewford T. Justice, Mark Andersen and Thomas Alpha-Beta as well as our new colleagues Dom van Hool, Piet van der Straaten, Artschie and Tom.