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Here we would like to answer some of the frequently asked questions. In case you have further questions, just send an e-mail to

Where does the name "Radio Sylvia" come from?

The station's name was taken from the single "Sylvia" released in 1972 by the Dutch band "Focus" - until the present day this is our station theme.

What must we do so that Radio Sylvia plays the music of our band?

If your music matches our format, you can send us your tracks via e-mail, provide a download link or send a CD to our P.O. box address. You can find our contact details below.

Radio Sylvia is not listed in my internet radio. How do I proceed?

Internet radios acquire their station lists from specific radio portals. Radio Sylvia is listed on all main portals. However, in case we are not available on a specific internet radio, you can carry out one of the following steps:

  • Send an e-mail with the description of the problem to We will take care of everything else.
  • In case you know where the radio gets its station list from, send an e-mail to the portal and request to add Radio Sylvia to the station list. You can find our HTTP and HTTPS stream links here.
  • If your radio supports entering stream links directly, type in our 192k link (HTTP or HTTPS) and save it.
  • Register our 192k stream link (HTTP or HTTPS) as your personal favourite on the radio portal.

If possible, please carry out one of the first two steps, so that all users of this specific internet radio will benefit from it.

Sometimes the stream skips. How can I fix this problem?

In case the stream temporarily skips, there are problems on the way from our streaming server to the receiver (i.e. your radio or web player). Before the receiver plays the stream, it always buffers a few seconds of the stream contents to compensate possible data transfer irregularities. When the buffer runs empty because of transfer problems, the stream stops and continues as soon as the buffer is full again. Frequent buffering is due to the following main reasons:

  • Poor internet connection: The internet connection is too slow or defective. - Remedies: Use a better internet connection or change to the 64 kbit/s stream. It may also help to restart the router.
  • Buffer too small: Possibly the buffer of the receiver (your radio or web player) is set to the wrong size. - Remedies: If you use a radio, check its manual to see if the buffer size can be adjusted. In case you receive Radio Sylvia with a web player, increase the buffer there (if possible). Alternatively you can check if the 64 kbit/s stream runs without interruptions.
  • Lacking computer performance: In case the problem occurs while you listen to Radio Sylvia on a computer, possibly a software requiring much computer power is running in the background. As a result, there is not enough performance to process the Radio Sylvia stream. - Remedy: Stop the software running in the background.